Vojta Drbohlav at SlidesLive: Vojta Squared
Vojta Drbohlav, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer for SlidesLive, played a vital role in the company’s development. Vojta grew up in a small town and has gradually made his way all around the globe thanks to SlidesLive.
“Originally, I am from the small town of Sobotka in the Czech Republic,” Vojta said. “I have always been interested in electronics and everything technical, especially computers. I moved to Prague when I started studying at the Czech Technical University. That’s where I met Vojta Ciml.”
Vojta met Vojta. And anything squared is always more powerful than it is alone.
“We went to the same class together,” Vojta said. “One day, he came to me saying he had this great idea about recording lectures at the University. He wanted to create a software to record a speaker’s slides and synchronize them with the speaker’s video. We started working on it and soon we had the first version ready and we started using it. This is the moment that SlidesLive was born!”
As Chief Technology Officer, Vojta carries many responsibilities regarding the mechanics of the company. In order for SlidesLive to run smoothly, the technology must be working efficiently.
“I make sure everything is working from the technical point of view,” Vojta said. “This means that our servers are running, our website is working, and all of our automation is working as it is supposed to. Everything needs to be running smoothly so that everyone at our company can work without any interruptions.”
In addition to managing all things technical, Vojta also leads the IT team for the company.
“The IT team is small, but I am happy it is growing,” Vojta said. “Our goal as an IT team is to automate everything as much as possible so we have more time to focus on new challenges and more automation. Automation saves time for all employees across the company from sales to production managers to editors. Thanks to automation, we can be much more effective.”
Vojta loves the thrill of automation. Who doesn’t love to save time?
“I like when we create something and we can see it working and helping our employees save time,” Vojta said. “Also, I love the moment when I automate myself from my job. It feels awesome! I think every programmer should stick to this rule: Automate yourself out of your job every 6 months!”
Aside from the programming world, Vojta loves going on adventures. And SlidesLive allows him the flexibility to live in both the programming world and the outside world.
“I can work remotely almost anytime I want from anywhere I want,” Vojta said. “This is really important to me because I really love running obstacle course races (i.e. Spartan Race), mountain hikes and traveling altogether.”
Vojta also adventures with his SlidesLive colleagues, traveling and enjoying nature.
“Our team building activities, like when we go canoeing in the summer or skiing in the winter, are some of my favorite memories,” Vojta said. “It is always fun with this great team we built!”
As a co-founder, Vojta has witnessed the company blossom into the success it is today. From university lectures to large conferences, he has been a part of it all.
“It is great to see our company growing from the small garage in Prague where we started to the New York office on Broadway!”