SlidesLive & Eventee: The perfect power duo for boosting your audience engagement

9 min readJul 1, 2022


Video production and sharing knowledge is our passion; helping event managers make the most out of their events is the mission of the Eventee team.

Together, we help organizers ensure the best quality of their broadcasts and create a smooth and engaging experience for their audience.

These are the ways you can utilize SlidesLive beyond just streaming and effortlessly increase audience engagement simply by including an event app like Eventee.

About SlidesLive

We are a video production company dedicated to storing and sharing knowledge through our recorded talks and presentations available in our new online library. We’re recording worldwide, taking your events to the virtual, hybrid, or in-person level.

Visit us at or learn more about our technology through our blog.

About Eventee

Eventee is a minimalistic yet powerful event management tool that includes an easy-to-use 4,8* mobile app, a web app, and a free no-code event homepage. Eventee is designed to help you effortlessly navigate event attendees, increase engagement, and enhance the overall event experience — no matter virtual, hybrid, or in-person event.

Explore Eventee at or get event planning tips on the Eventee blog.

Event management tech stack

Event managers cannot go a long way without an efficient tech stack. Though it takes some time to build it, once you find the tools that work best for you and your team, planning and managing events become a lot easier. Check out these 13 free event management tools that are worth a try.

There are a few areas that every event tech stack should cover:

Project management and communication

  • These are the tools that help you stay on track with the pre-event and post-event tasks. They also help you keep your whole team aligned.

Marketing and sales

  • The right promotion strategy can skyrocket attendance at your event. Create buzz, increase value with partnerships, nurture the community spirit, and boost your ticket sales!

Event execution

  • Streaming or video-sharing services, presentation software…without these core tools that bring your content to your audience, your event could not be properly executed.

On-site event management and engagement

  • Whether in-person or virtual, a lot of things can go wrong on the day of your event. On-site management tools can help you cope with these unexpected situations. They can also make the coordination of attendees and team members more efficient. Add tools that enable engagement, and you get a proven recipe for attendee satisfaction.

Data and evaluation

  • Collecting data is crucial not only for the event evaluation but also for learning what your audiences care about the most. Knowing your audiences and their behavior can help you significantly improve your future events.

Live stream quality matters

When it comes to online videos, there are a lot of things to consider. One of the most important factors is the quality of your live stream. This may seem like an obvious point, but many people don’t realize how important it is.

The stream quality can affect how people perceive your brand. If the sound or video is poor, people will be less likely to stick around and watch.

SlidesLive knows that the quality of live streams can make or break your event, and therefore, they have a dedicated production team that handles the work on-site for you — from start to finish.

Embed the stream in Eventee to ensure an overall experience that looks and sounds professional.

Going hybrid has never been easier

In the light of the pandemic, hybrid events are often referred to as the future of events. Since the majority of event managers are now familiar with both in-person and virtual experiences, events are just a step away from combining these two worlds together and becoming hybrid.

SlidesLive can make this step even easier. With an on-site streaming and remote production support, you can leave the broadcasting part to them and focus on other important tasks.

And don’t worry, once you decide to go with Eventee, you will never have to worry about what type of event you are organizing because Eventee supports in-person, virtual and hybrid experiences. No matter what plan you choose, paid or free, all three experiences are included.

Create content that lasts forever

Recording live streams to offer replays or recycle the content you have already created is a common practice. With SlidesLive’s library, you can record your streams and store them all in one place. Easily share your content with anyone, whenever and wherever you need.

Events created in Eventee are accessible for 12 months unless you decide to delete or unpublish them. During this time, your attendees can come back to watch your replays or network. They can also still receive push notifications from Eventee if they keep the app in their mobile phones. This allows you to stay in touch with your attendees even after the event has ended.

Bring virtual sessions to life

The virtual 3D studio is the place where any concept can become a reality. Take your event to a different place, whether it’s on top of a skyscraper, in the ocean, or in space. The sky is the limit!

If you would rather keep your feet on the ground, you can still take advantage of the option to combine videos and presentation slides side-by-side and create an experience that draws your audience in.

Offering virtual sessions that feel like in-person is the right way to keep your attendees engaged throughout the presentation.

Increase audience engagement with Eventee features

Embed SlidesLive streams and recordings in Eventee to increase engagement during sessions and boost the overall event experience.

This is how you can successfully kick off audience engagement with help of Eventee.

Live questions

  • The option to ask live questions is one of the core features every event should have. With different tools, you can also come across a chat box or integration with Q&A tools, which are the common alternative options to this feature.
  • Eventee app users can contribute with their own questions or upvote questions that other attendees asked if they find them interesting. Questions with the most upvotes will then appear on top of the list.
  • As an administrator or a moderator, you can pin, archive, approve, disapprove, or present the questions.

Live polls

  • Polls are perfect for questions that don’t require detailed responses. Unlike surveys, you ask only one question at a time, and the results change instantly with each vote.
  • You can use live polls during a presentation to supplement your content with numbers that are relevant to your session attendees. Get their opinions in real time and present an insight into their choices compared to other attendees.

Live feedback

  • Your audiences’ opinions matter! Sending a survey after the event is something you should definitely do; however, allowing your audience to give you feedback immediately, moreover through their own mobile phone, can provide you with details and insights you might not receive if asked later.

Event agenda

  • You also want your attendees to engage with your content, meaning to consume it. To do that, they need to know where, when, and how they can access it. Here is where the event agenda comes into play.
  • A well-arranged agenda can help you navigate your attendees and even ensure that they never miss a session they would like to attend. They can simply add the session to their personal agendas and let the app remind them before the session starts.
  • Try to keep it clean and always up to date. Changes in the Eventee agenda are instantly visible to your attendees so you can reschedule sessions during the event if anything unexpected happens. In combination with the push notifications, you are able to effectively manage any situation.

Push notifications

  • The biggest benefit of a push notification is that it is hard to overlook since it appears right in front of your eyes.
  • Use push notifications to share updates, inform attendees about upcoming sessions, promote your sponsors and partners, or motivate attendees throughout the day.


  • People attending an event usually all have a keen interest in the event’s topic. This makes events perfect places to create valuable contacts that last. Networking is also one of the main reasons people attend events, so this is a feature you surely don’t want to miss.
  • Create interactive and fun networking sessions with Eventee. it works just like Tinder — swipe left to reject, swipe right to accept. This swipe-and-match system ensures that the interest is mutual. Once two attendees match, they can start a conversation, a video/audio call, or arrange meetings within the app.

Leverage the power of the community

An event community is beneficial for both the event organizer and the attendees.

The organizer can use community channels to build excitement for the event and keep attendees engaged before, during, and after the event. The attendees can use it to connect with other attendees, learn more about the event, and share their experiences.

Social media is a great channel to build an event community. Use hashtags to help people find your event and connect with others who are interested in the same thing. You can also create a Twitter chat, Facebook group, or even a Slack group specifically for your event.

Another channel you can use to nurture your community is email communication. Though communication technologies are a fast-changing field, emails are still considered a cheap yet efficient way how to reach out to an audience. It’s important to send out a regular newsletter with updates on the event, speaker lineup, and any other information attendees might want to know.

Since your event in Eventee is accessible both before and after the event, you can use it as an additional channel to share information with your attendees, e.g. via push notifications. Attendees can also get acquainted with the event agenda, speakers, sponsors, or with the interface beforehand. This will ensure that attendees will know how to enjoy the experience to the fullest.

Pave your road to success with data

Data provides you with insights into how well your marketing campaigns, and events in general, are performing. When it comes to collecting and evaluating event data, defining your key performance indicators (KPIs) first is vital. It gives you not only the base for post-event evaluation but also helps you to stay focused on your goals throughout the whole process of planning and executing the event.

Besides the feature that allows your attendees to give live feedback, Eventee also collects the most important event data for you. How many attendees joined each session? How many of them engaged in live questions or polls? What is the average watch time of each stream? And there is more. With Eventee, you will hit the gold mine of event data!

Google Analytics is a great tool for tracking website traffic and analyzing the data to see how people are interacting with your website. These insights can help you improve your web content and design.

Another useful tool for collecting event data is survey feedback. Surveys can give you a sense of how well your event was perceived by attendees, what they liked and didn’t like, and what suggestions they have for improvement. Collecting feedback from attendees can help you make adjustments to your plans for future events.

Wrapping things up

SlidesLive is a video production company dedicated to storing and sharing knowledge through recorded talks and presentations. And with Eventee, we can accompany you way beyond just that…

Together, we offer enhancements that ensure not only a professional but also an engaging experience for your audience. Embed SlidesLive in Eventee and create an interactive place for attendees to engage and enjoy your content. No sweat!

Don’t forget to build an efficient tech stack that helps you with planning, executing, and evaluating your event. And nurture your event community alongside to reap all the well-deserved rewards later.

Visit us at or learn more about our technology through our blog. To further explore the features of the Eventee app, go to




SlidesLive is on a mission to record and store every conference in the world, reaching audiences worldwide.