Katherine Millar at SlidesLive: Business With Buddies
Katie Millar, Business Development Representative for SlidesLive, shared the inside scoop about her role in the media production company. Upon graduating from SUNY Cortland with a BA in Communications and a minor in Management, Katie had some goals in mind for her future career, and SlidesLive seemed to fulfill all of them.
“I luckily stumbled upon SlidesLive right out of college and was able to kickstart my career right off the bat with them,” Katie said. “I haven’t looked back since!”
But in order to understand why Katie hasn’t looked back, we must look back. Ironic, right?
Anyway, we’re in luck. Katie has let us in on some of her favorite memories working with SlidesLive these past two and a half years.
Focusing more on the business side rather than the production side of SlidesLive, Katie takes advantage of all the behind-the-scenes opportunities she can get her camera-loving hands on. When exhibiting with the company, she enjoys the backstage view of her co-workers in their natural habitat.
“With exhibiting, we get to meet lots of really cool people and get to know so many different organizations and job roles,” Katie said. “It’s a great way to get some insight on what others do. Plus, it’s always cool to see new cities. The networking and the cities are my two favorite parts.”
Speaking of city exploration, Katie was able to travel to Washington, D.C. with the SlidesLive crew.
“My favorite event so far was the B2B Marketing Forum in D.C. last October,” Katie said. “We had a big crew drive out there for the week, and the exhibit hall was one of my favorites I’ve seen.”
But exhibiting with SlidesLive is usually more than just an all-work experience. Katie expressed how much she enjoyed spending time with her co-workers and sight-seeing the Capitol.
“There were endless networking opportunities, and lots of cool work (and non-work) related activities to take part in,” Katie said. “Every conference needs a little fun thrown in there. We also had a great booth set up. Aside from our typical dry ice drink attraction, we had set up a DIY photo booth for people strolling around the hall. We must have had hundreds of visitors throughout the course of the week come and take their own boomerang.”
Aside from the meaningful experiences Katie has had traveling with the crew, she has also valued the family-like feel that the SlidesLive team has provided her with these past couple years. She expressed her gratitude towards the open environment the company has created and the comfort level she feels as a result of that atmosphere.
“Working for SlidesLive has been such a great experience so far,” Katie said. “I love the laid back, trusting, open environment the team always has. Everybody has such great relationships with each other, and having open ended, non-judgmental conversations is the best kind of surrounding to have in the workplace. Nobody wants to be afraid to speak their minds, or ask silly questions.”
As a Business Development Representative, Katie speaks to multiple clients, developing close relationships with them. SlidesLive has enabled her to speak with clients on a regular basis, getting to know them as more than just customers.
“Being here for over 2 years now, I’ve gotten to know the majority of my clients really well, and we’ve developed such a long standing partnership with so many of them,” Katie said. “It’s nice being able to talk to them and get to know them. They have all become more than just people we do business with, and that means a lot to me.”