Adéla Kalčáková at SlidesLive: Adapting on the Move
Adéla Kalčáková, production manager at SlidesLive, has always enjoyed organizing events and studying media. However, it wasn’t until she joined the SlidesLive team that she took her passions to the next level, translating them into a career in video production.
“I always enjoyed organizing events and while I was studying, I was part of some student projects (concerts, exhibitions etc.),” Adéla said. “I studied media but it was mainly theoretical. Almost everything I know about videography and streaming I learned with SlidesLive.”
Adéla has been working with SlidesLive since the summer of 2018. Since then, she’s learned a lot about the media industry while traveling the world.
“My beginnings were intense,” Adéla said. “After three months working with SlidesLive, I was already on my way to New York for my first internship. From that moment on, I was traveling most of the time.”
While traveling, Adéla learned a lot about the SlidesLive process. Becoming a production manager at SlidesLive requires a lot of hands-on practice, and Adéla learned how to adapt to new situations and experiences in the event industry.
“As a production manager, you need to know every step of the process to be successful, which means there’s a lot of learning,” Adéla said. “The situation is always changing and you need to be flexible and explore all the options before you decide on the next step. This might be the biggest responsibility: always finding solutions for every possible problem. And I think we as a company always find solutions and that’s our biggest strength.”
And when the pandemic hit, transforming the event industry from in-person to online, Adéla and the SlidesLive team had to adapt. Because of SlidesLive’s flexible nature, the team was able to find creative solutions to new issues raised by the pandemic. Still, Adéla and the team experience the same feeling of satisfaction after helping a client run a large event or conference.
“Thanks to the team being so flexible, we were able to switch so quickly from onsite conferences to virtual ones,” Adéla said. “What remains the same is the challenge of the work and the rewarding feeling after completing the job successfully.”
Although the rewarding feeling is one of the best aspects of the job, Adéla has always loved traveling, and SlidesLive has allowed her to do so in a meaningful way. She’s been able to develop her skills while sightseeing new places, making for an overall enjoyable work life.
“My favorite part was always traveling,” Adéla said. “Thanks to SlidesLive, I’ve explored so many different places. My favorites were probably Australia and some US cities like New Orleans, LA, New York and many more. It’s interesting to compare different venues and different clients’ approaches to conferences in different continents.”
When working in different countries and cities, Adéla must meet with videographers working on the event to introduce them to the SlidesLive event process. Adéla enjoys seeing these new faces and is always eager to learn from others in new locations. Like many of us, she’s looking forward to the day we can all meet up again in-person.
“I also enjoy meeting new videographers and showing them our workflow,” Adéla said. “You can always learn something new while working with people. But the best about all of this is that the whole world can be your office when you travel: a plane, café, or beach. I can’t wait to hit the road again and start helping the clients on site!”
But Adéla couldn’t do her job properly without the help of the team, and she loves being in their company on trips and in the office.
“Our team is amazing,” Adéla said. “It’s great to have colleagues who you can trust and help in the process. And our road trips are legendary. So much fun with new and exciting experiences.”
And SlidesLive is always adjusting to new challenges. With a flexible team, unexpected changes and difficulties are more easily overcome. Adéla has experienced this first hand, which has only made her even more adaptable and prepared for whatever challenges may present themselves in the future.
“SlidesLive can definitely teach you a lot and bring you in situations you don’t expect,” Adéla said. “One of the craziest challenges was when I was at a conference in Australia when the pandemic started and my flight home was canceled. I had to arrange everything while far away from home, but in the end, it was one of the best times I’ve ever had. I stayed there for over a month and instead of waiting for a way to get home, I enjoyed the best holidays ever.”
Adéla’s SlidesLive experience is representative of the flexible and adaptable nature of the company. Filled with employees similar to Adéla, SlidesLive is always ready for what’s to come. The world of virtual events can be intimidating, but we’re always happy to help our customers take theirs to the next level.