Academic Events: Paper & Poster Problems?

2 min readNov 25, 2020


Large numbers of speakers plus an overload of information equals high levels of stress for any event planner. Academic events often contain paper and poster sessions where high numbers of speakers present their work. In the virtual world, organizing and gathering this information can be difficult to coordinate. In order for your next academic event to run smoothly, it’s best to automate the process. And SlidesLive does just that.

Step 1: You send us a spreadsheet with your speakers.

A spreadsheet that includes the names of all paper authors, their titles, and their contact information must be sent to us. Once this is done, SlidesLive handles the rest. Our automated spreadsheet allows us to send emails to thousands of speakers at once with a unique recording link and deadline for each. And if you have speakers from different parts of the world, we’re able to send the email in multiple languages to ensure ease while recording.

Step 2: Pre-recording time!

The email sent out to your speakers contains an easy to use pre-recording link with no installation required. The unique link for each speaker allows us to know exactly who is recording what, keeping us organized while helping you with your event.

While recording, each speaker can pause and share their recordings with their respective marketing or sales departments if necessary. And if they share their link with another speaker, that person can then add to their presentation. All your speakers need to do is leave a note with us, and we’ll edit the recordings together. Pre-recording flexibility allows for increased organization as well as a new level of efficiency in the virtual world.

Step 3: Editing done with ease.

Once we’ve received all recordings, our editing AI does most of the work. If there are some technical issues, the recording is sent to professional editors. During the process, we make sure that both the voice and image are clear. We also create a title graphic for each with the paper title and author names, creating a visually appealing and professional looking presentation.

Our editing process also ensures that your speakers’ pre-recordings reach SlidesLive format, a synchronized video and presentation. With a consistent format followed by all speakers, your event looks clean and professional.

Want help?

SlidesLive is here to help you take your academic event to the virtual level while you remain calm, organized and confident. Our highly flexible, self-serving pre-recording tool that’s used for paper and poster sessions can eliminate excess stress from your life, so why not give it a shot? Visit for more information and pricing, or email to request a demo. Organization is key, and we have you covered at SlidesLive.




SlidesLive is on a mission to record and store every conference in the world, reaching audiences worldwide.